Wednesday, August 13, 2008


These pics aren't so good.... Darn IT!!! I forgot to use the flash!

It was early, I was tired, big surprise I know!, and running late for work. But, they looked soooo cute in their matching Hawkeye gear that I had to stop and take some photos before Wy Wy puked all over his, before Griffin decided it was dumb, and before Grant just decided naked was better! his belief not mine! might be mine if I looked as cute as he did!!!

Many thanks Dad, Lola, Danny, and Katie for buying these and bringing them down from Iowa when you visited in March. Way cute! And we miss you!

But, anyway, I thought you all would enjoy seeing the kids, no matter the quality of the photos, since these ARE three of the cutest boys on the planet!!!

My walls even look lime green! Ugh! Bad photographer!! Oh Well!


Anonymous said...

Geez Louise----Is Grant wearing the same size as Griffin? Does Dan have Giant genes?
-- Max's Granny

Carrie said...

Grant is getting big, eh?!
Griffin is sitting down on the window ledge in these, but yeah, I tell him all of teh time, He needs to watch what he does b/c pretty soon Grant is going to be bigger than him!

And, at the rate Wy Wy is growing, he'll need to watch out for him, as well!

Anonymous said...

I only saw Dan's Dad once but think baby Wyatt resembles him. Grandma S.