Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Is Better With SNOW!!!

First, let me start out by saying, Merry Christmas, belated!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday, and will continue the joy-fest into the New Year, where I trust you will act responsibly while still having a great time!

As many of you know, we were in Iowa this year for Christmas where a winter wonderland awaited us. I think they said there were 10-12 inches on the ground while we were there. Yes, God had listened to my prayers. He gave me the snow I had been praying for. I know, now you know who to thank, right?!? But, obviously God wanted the boys to have fun in the snow, as much as I did! And, from what I hear, it is mostly gone now. So, you can thank me for that too! ***smile***

The kids were completely taken aback traveling into this crazy land of ice and snow! They came from 60 degree weather and woke up to find zero degree temperatures and slippery white stuff! "Is this a parallel dimension? No, it's Iowa!!"

Watching the boys in the snow was such fun!

Grant kept running and falling down everywhere he went! He was cracking me up!

Griffin had to run through every snow pile he saw, and of course, Grant was not far behind him following in his big brother's footsteps.

Wyatt had no clue what to think! Though, he was highly irritated that I would not let him get down on the floor in places where he thought he should be able to have free reign. Momma was being mean! But, wet, dirty slush is just oh so attractive to a little one who has to investigate EVERYTHING, and taste it all too! So, sorry little buddy, and oh, sorry spine of mine, while in Iowa many hours of weight lifting will have to be endured while holding our little chubby baby! Should have budgeted for a massage and several visits to the Chiropractor this month.......

The trip went very smoothly despite the weather. There was one piece of driving that was a bit ulcerating! The wind was kicking up snow so dense you could no longer see the road in front of you, which we Iowans know to be a "white-out". The last one of these I was in, my schoolmate who was driving a 1 ton 4x4 truck hit the dually-pickup truck in front of us, and sent us both to the hospital. That was a rough one. Could have been much worse. At least we both came out of it with only minor injuries and no one else was hurt.

My abnormal hubby found this "white-out' experience to be very exciting and, actually, had quite a good time driving while in the snow covered state of Iowa. And I do agree, driving in snow can be fun. It's just the possibility of getting into an accident or breaking down somewhere along the road that makes the whole experience a bit scary.

But, neither of those things occurred therefore Dan has been left with the memory of entertaining driving, driving that's a little edgy, not driving that leaves your knees shaky and your body in the fetal position on the floorboards.

Hee hee! That just made me laugh!

I have actually been there, on the floorboard while Dan has driven us through treacherous conditions. One time, about 8 or 9 years ago Dan and I were driving through Little Rock in an ice storm, and I was FREAKED! Dan, on the other hand, was just calmly driving, laughing at the scene I was making in the car. Me all curled up into a ball, clutching my knees, yelping every time he hit the brakes, and praying! I can remember him telling me not to look, that it was all good, and he was going to get us there.

So, is my husband scared to drive in a "white-out"?! I think not! That's a good man to take with you on a winter trip to Iowa, I tell ya! I'm not stupid!

Well, anyway, I really just wanted to get these pictures out on the web and tell everyone we saw while back how good it was to see you, and everyone I did not, that I hope your holiday was as happy and healthy as ours. And best wishes to everyone for a prosperous 2009!

P.S. This first photo is the one that was supposed to go out in my Christmas Cards, just in case you wondered.....

Friday, December 12, 2008