Wednesday, August 6, 2008

And So, His Education Begins.....

Griffin statement:
"But Mom, we can't leave yet, I haven't even learned anything!"

In response to my telling him we needed to leave his classroom, on his Meet the Teacher Day. Oh, sweet, funny boy!

Later, after we left, I was telling him that I was kind of sad because he was getting so big and now that he was going to school he wasn't my baby anymore. He said, "Mom, I'll still be your little boy, and you still have Grant and Wyatt, too. We'll always be your little boys." I almost cried. And I'm tearing up just typing it now!

For all of you who have been reading the blog for a while, or for all of you who know Griffin, you know that he is a very articulate and quite sensitive boy. So, these words of wisdom are not surprising. Though, they still stop me in my tracks. His sheer empathetic capacity and the emotional maturity he sometimes displays, just leave me speechless sometimes!

Well, today was Griffin's first day of school. His teacher Mrs. King (who goes by her first name Miss Danielle) and her assistant Miss Tina, seem like really sweet and loving ladies who will be a great match for Griffin. I think they will just foster his desire to learn so well, and am really excited to have them as his first educational leaders!

I am sure you all would like to see a picture or two of Griffin on his first day of school so I have posetd them below. Let me first just say that there was absolutely no point to my buying Griffin, School Clothes! This morning when he got up and waded through his trash heap bedroom, the clothes he decided to put on were, of course, none of the new pieces he helped me pick out this summer. Nope! Instead, he put on an old hand-me-down T-Shirt, a fine shirt, just not what I had anticipated he would wear on his "first day". And a pair of track pants that were hand-me-down, too!

I insisted that he change out of pants since the temperature today will be in the high 90's, and he did choose, then, to wear a pair of shorts that were bought for school this summer. But, out of all of the clothes that he helped me pick out for school, those shorts and two shirts are all he wants to wear. Everything else is "dumb", and he told Dan the other day, he didn't want to wear a pair of the shorts because, "they make me look fat!" Dan's comment here was, "Wonder where he's heard that before?!?" But I swear it wasn't from me! I may think I look fat in everything I put on, but I don't say it. I just think it. Maybe Griffin is psychic and we're just now finding out, huh?!?! Yeah, he'll be the next cast member on that NBC series Heroes! Griffin the Psychic Happiest in Hand-Me-DownsKid!

Though, I guess I should be grateful he isn't that into clothes and what-not. He likes what he likes. He thinks he looks cool. It's definitely very different from what "cool" really looks like, but hey, maybe he'll be one of those trend-setters some day. Just weird enough for people to say, "Hey, that's a little weird, but something about it feels cool. I'm going to have to get me one of those." I'll keep you posted on how that plays out! But, for now, here are the photos Dan sent me from his phone (which is why the picture quality isn't as good as usual.)

Oh, and check out what he does with his socks! He rolls them down! It's hilarious! And any time I say, "Griffin, that looks weird." He says, "No it doesn't Mom!", and proceeds to purposefully pull them all the way up his calf, fold the top seam down upon itself, and then roll with precision, til the "donut" rings his ankle! He's such a goof!


Anonymous said...

I used to roll my socks down too. I thought it was awesome. Kid's got good taste...

Carrie said...

Yeah, me too! Guess we know where he gets it from! HA!

Anonymous said...

I think its pic #3 that he looks like Robert Riedl whe he was about that age. He is a cutie & smart. Grandma S.

Anonymous said...

So, off goes another little one to start school. It seems like only yesterday I was sending you off myself. Where do the years go? I think in photo four Griffin looks like something I saw in "Planet of the Apes". ha ha. But what a cute little monkey he is.

Anonymous said...

Awww, how cute & funny! It's great that he is already confident enough not to care what he wears on the outside. Let's hope more kids become like that. ~ Stacy

Anonymous said...

Well Celeste kept pulling her socks up all the way. We told her it looked funny and she said she didn't care. Finally, she grew out of it. Griffin does look awefully cute!