Thursday, July 9, 2009

If I Only Had An "S"


Only a single letter makes them completely different words...opposites if you will.

To fast, to go without food. To feast, to openly engorge in it.
Desert a barren waste of nothing. Dessert an oppulent treat at the end of a meal....extra.

You know I like to think of dessert as extra because a dessert isn't necessary. Dinner yes. Food to sustain me, yes. Dessert, an indulgence!

But how strange, how curious that the two are just one letter away. Desert is one 's' away from richness. Barren and desolate....but if I just had one more 's' I could be something else all together!

I started thinking about these words in my Esther class. When Beth Moore asks us students if anyone had noticed the contrasts between feasting and fasting. In the first part of this book of the bible, everyone is feasting. And even the day that the King's edict is sent out is a day of feasts for the Jews. The exact day this doctrine goes out, is the Jewish day of Passover. The largest and most celebrated holiday in their community....a day of feasting. On that day, Esther asks that all the Jews of Susa gather and fast for 3 days and 3 nights. On this day of feasts, she asks them to fast. I wonder how many Jews were thinking, "We were supposed to be feasting, not fasting!" Wow. They were just one letter away!

You have to really wonder. You have to wonder how many times we see our lives as just one second away from greatness...or one swing away from champions...or one chromosone away from perfection. And we mull it over. Over and over....."What could have been!?!"
But here is my question for you......Why isn't the reality we are given perfection?
Why do you think that these lessons in perceived failure aren't your perfect life?

We are each given a life of imperfection. That is a known going into the world. Hang-up your thoughts of Prince Charming and Cinderella....they do not exist. We are all imperfect. Beautifully! I bet there is not even one of us who would disagree. But, how much do you really allow yourself to believe? Or better yet, how often do you thank God for the desert and not the dessert?
Isn't a dessert extra anyway?

Just some thoughts....hope those of us out there yearning for that 's' might start realizing that deserts are a gift too. Happy Thursday!


The Phillips Family said...

Love, love, love the Esther study!!! Glad you are enjoying it, too! Beth Moore has such a way about her. She is always opening my eyes to things I would never think of or take from the scripture.

Carrie said...

I totally agree! And she is so dynamic! Wow! She is a gift!
I really am so grateful for your mentioning to me that I should take one of her studies. The parallels she finds in scripture just give me goose bumps!

Anonymous said...

Good writing daugther.
Keep it up.
We are back from seeing the kids and grandkids. Had a great time.
More later.