Thursday, July 2, 2009


Grant has a recent obsession....Well, maybe obsession is not the right word....serious interest, is probably better. Grant has a serious interest in BOOBS, lately.

His boobs, your boobs, his brothers' boobs, his dad's boobs, my bras, everything about boobs is just fascinating to him!

Several weeks ago, we were at the pool with some friends. I was in line for a snow cone with Grant and our friend's little girl. Grant turns around and says, "See my boobies?!" to the little girl with us.
She looks at him like, "Super...yeah, I see them, super great....where's my snow cone?!"
When she doesn't respond, he gets even closer to her and while pushing in his nipples with the index finger of each hand he says, "See um? See my bobbies???"
He does this three times! I say to him on the second, "Grant, yes, we see your boobies...quit it!!"
Third time comes....."See my boobies? You see um?"
The little girl, you can see, is thinking, He is not going to leave me alone about these boobies until I acknowledge him. So, she says, "Yeah...I see um."
Grant grins from ear to ear, like, "Yeah, that's right! I have boobies!!!"

In the middle of the night two nights ago, Grant wakes up and is making a HUGE fuss! And as we all know, Grant was not given the quiet gene. He is dialed into only Loud and LOUDER!!!

So, because I wish to get some rest out of this evening, I scoot little loud-mouth from his room where we leave a still sleeping, Thank God, Wyatt to rest peacefully.

I take Grant into our bed and we go back to sleep. In the morning he wakes up, and dashes from my bed......only to run down the hall and scream, "WYATT!!! You 'WAKE?!?!"

He sure did! Couldn't have anything to do with all the yelling, could it?!

I gather up Wyatt and scootch them both into the kitchen where I set them at the table and fix their cereal. Yes that's right, scootch, I'm sure it's a word, I use it all the time! Thus, it's a word! After I get them settled, I jump into the shower, jump out of the shower, run down the hallway, dress for the day like I was in a race, and within 10 minutes from my kitchen departure, I'm back.

Entering the kitchen Grant gives me a very perplexed look.
"Momma.....You got your boobies?"
"Yes, honey...yes, I have my boobies."
"Momma. No, I go get your boobies!"
Me not understanding.... "What? Honey, what? Yes, of course I already have my boobies...right here, can't take 'em off." Though, at times I realize it looks as if they aren't there because they are slowly disappearing off of my body....I swear I DID have boobs at one time...I did! Promise!
Grant just looks at me and says, "No, I go get your boobies!"

With that, he runs into our bedroom and over to my side of the bed. I find him there desperately searching for something.
That's when I realize I had taken my bra off and laid it on the chair next to my bed the night before. Grant must've noticed it there when he got out of our bed this morning before running down the hallway bellerin' for Wyatt.

I say to him, "Oh, honey....were you looking for Mommy's bra? Mommy has it on already."
"No you don't!"
"Yes, yes I do!"
"No you not! It was right here!"
You know what's coming next, right?! I have to convince him that I have it, right?! So, I lift my shirt up to show him that I do indeed have the bra on.
As he sees it on me, you see the tension noticeably melt from his shoulders.
"Ahhh, there's your boobies! Right there!"

Now, this morning, Grant wakes up from his bed and is standing in the hallway, "Momma! I wake up!!!!! MOMMA!!!!"
"Okay, Grant, Okay, here I come....hush baby! Hush, you're going to wake up Wyatt!'

Now, after I get him settled in to watch Batman....I jump in the shower. 'Nother quick one, because just like I can't trust he and his brother at the kitchen table by themselves, I also cannot trust Grant up in the living room by himself. It's quite normal to be in the shower for all of 2 minutes when you hear the slamming of the bathroom door opening and a little boy yelling, "Momma! Wyatt just WAKE UP!" And in the background Wyatt's wailing away! Why?! ....hmm.... I wonder....Oh, probably because his brother went in their room and scared the dickens out of him by yelling, "WAKE UP WYATT!!!!"

But, this morning, all was well, no screaming baby and no screaming Grant...Grant was just amusing himself in the recliner by putting his feet where his head should be while rocking in the chair...big shock, I know, Grant rocking!!
Anyway, just as soon as he sees me he says, "You got your boobies?"
"Yes honey, I got 'em"
"Momma, I got no see my bobbies? My boobies right here!" as he points to his chest.
"Yep! I see um!"
"Momma! I go get your boobies!!"
And, off he darts down the hallway, around to my side of the bed, and sure enough, there is my bra sitting on the chair (I guess I'm a creature of habit). He hands me my bra, and says, "Momma, put on your boobies!"
This might not seem like a big deal, but I'm just from the shower...and I'm not the most comfortable in my own skin!!! Clothing...I'm comfortable in CLOTHING! But, I feel like, okay, he is 2 and he has no understanding of sexuality or anything at this point, so, geesh, put the bra on Carrie!
I oblige him and put the bra on.
He just smiles so satisfactorily and says, "Now Momma, you wear your boobies all day!"
"Okay honey...Mommy will!"
To which he then runs off down the hall holding his own boobies in opposing hands.

What am I gonna do with this boy?!?!?


Anonymous said...

Buy the boy a bra.

Anonymous said...

ha ha! better than being obsessed with his "package" i guess!!!

virginiaRocks said...
