Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sappy Day

Some days are just meant to be reflective. I think that's true. I think some days we are meant to just be sort of weepy and sentimental and grateful. That's what pulls us back onto the road when we've ended up in the ditch from filling our trucks up too full! We drive around with these cargo loads full of things we've got going on, speeding down the road because there is no time to waste! We have appointments we need to make, and cards we should get in the mail, and emails we need to send, and schedules that have to be kept, and sometimes, it just all dumps over. It all just "doesn't go as planned".

These are our "Heaven Sent Moments For Reflection"

Last night we had class til 8:30, didn't leave the church til almost 9:00. Got home and gave the boys a snack then off to bed by 9:20 for Grant, 9:30 for Griffin, and almost 10:00 for Wy Wy (he's a night owl!)

So, needless to say, I was not in bed til 10:00. And Dan later than I.
It was then about 1:45 when Wy Wy woke up to have his nightly bottle. I gave him his drink and went back to bed, only to be awoken at 4:20 by Grant who slammed our bedroom door shut. He proceed to whine and cry trying to get into bed with me, but not wanting my help. And then, when help was allowed I was arranging his blankie wrong and he was yelling, "Noooooo!"
It wasn't much longer, after this, that Wy Wy woke up, imagine that!
Then, I tried to get the two of them back to sleep with a diaper change for Wy Wy and a "go nigh-nigh!" for Grant.
But, no such luck.
And, I'll admit it. I was upset. I am TIRED kids! I am sleepy! You are not supposed to wake before my alarm goes off, you AREN'T!
And, so, I went to the living room with Wy Wy, sternly telling Grant to go to sleep with Daddy it was too early to be up!
I rocked Wy Wy hoping he would fall back into a slumber and listened to Grant crying, "MaaaMaaa!" from our bedroom.
Less than a minute later, Grant was in the living room dragging his blankie behind him with a sad face that said, "Thanks a lot for leaving me!"

Ugh! I'm tried kids! Tired. And my thoughts went to God, "God, what are you trying to say here? What are you saying? I only need 6 hours of sleep. 6 hours of sleep that is inevitably interrupted at least once by a small infant?! What am I supposed to be learning from this?"
I was frustrated. "Why can't I ever get any rest?!!??!"

And it was on the way to work that I heard what He was saying.

I turned on the Christian Radio Station, and I was moved to tears.

My Heaven Sent Moment For Reflection is this, God lives in me. God believes in me so, and loves me so, that he has graced me with this busy life. With THREE BEAUTIFUL BOYS, and a WONDERFUL and TALENTED husband (whom I take for granted!), and a great job, and a house to call a home, and a neighborhood to be proud of, and friends who could never be replaced. I am blessed! My gifts are HUGE! I am living the dream!

So, sometimes things are not going to go as planned. Sometimes my days are going to be fueled by the ever-blessed coffee in my cup. But even when I'm running on empty His spirit lives inside of me, and that is all I need to go on. All I need to talk down that negativity, and all I need to remind me of my blessings. I have been renewed, even without the 8 hours of sleep I so desperately wish for. It's coming Carrie, and until then, be rejuvenated in your blessings and in the positivity that surrounds you!
Can anyone tell I'm crying?!? I am such a Sap!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for making me weepy too! It's true though...he made us strong women so we could bear these loads...and somewhere there is a child being beaten for waking his parents and somewhere a child is wishing for a mommy or a daddy who cares- and we are so blessed to have been given sanity, and patience...because it isn't promised to us for even tomorrow. You are the wisest person to realize this and I can't wait to look you up in heaven and see the beautiful jewels in your crown!!

Carrie said...

You're making me cry even more! This is why I know my life is the way He has planned it to be....friends like you. I Love YOU!