Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Toy Town No More!

The toys are gone. Well, most of them anyway. I went through the boys’ toys this weekend, and pared down to a mere fraction of what they used to have!

Griffin now has only his dress-up trunk, his back-pack with action figures, his small bin of hot wheels cars, and a couple of larger toys. He still has all of his movies, and all of his games, but the rest is gone! I actually cleaned out so much, that a whole toy storage rack is empty and ready to be sold, sold, sold!!!

Grant has only his Little People guys (nicely stored in a clear plastic container), a music playing thing (that he loves), and his puzzles.

Wyatt’s got some hand-me-down toys. A this and a that. Nothing earth-shattering’ly cool, but, you know what, he doesn’t know that!

And it’s true what the people on those clean-up your house shows say, “Once the clutter is gone, you’ll feel a sense of freedom.” Oh, yes, how true it is!

In fact, I like the way my house is so much that I am writing this post to ask you all to do this for me, “Never buy my kids another toy ever again!”

I can’t handle the stress that comes along with the toys, especially if it has pieces. “Mom!!!! Do you know where the helmet is to this guy? I just had it and then Grant came into the room and messed everything up, and now I can’t find it! Help me find it!”

Yeah, I’m looking to eliminate or, at least, phase-out that sort of stop everything you’re doing and help me find this very important, I mean-highly, extremely important helmet! Yeah, if that all went away, it wouldn’t hurt my feelings one bit!

Of course, I’ll still have to search high and low to help find some things, but, with the toy population down to a scant few, I think I’ve cut the search time by at least half, and the possibility of having to search, by at least a significant 30% or so.

Oh, bliss, peace, lungs that can breathe deeply! Oh, feeling of elation, please do not ever go away! I love this new outlook on time spent playing in the house on rainy days! It’s no longer a reason to spiral into depression. No, now, that the toys are fewer I may even ASK the boys to play inside! What a change!

So, I’m letting it be known, that if you buy my kids toys I have every right to put your phone number on every “I’d like more information” form I can find, and I’ll send every soliciting Mormon, Jehovah’s Witness, and Door-to Door Vacuum Salesman your way. And if that doesn’t work, I’ll have a port-a-john sent to your house, one that's just been removed from a three-day concert venue! So, do it, I dare you, and let the games begin!!!


Anonymous said...

Too funny. I have actually been considering cleaning out all the crap toys that are in buckets and bins and paring it down for my boys too! But I may be in the market for a toy shelf...will it hold books!! If I could just let go of some books!!
Good job mommy!!

Anonymous said...

Watch what you throw out. 30 years later, Bill said why did you throw out our baseball cards because they're worth something now. Then why were they scattered all over the basement floor. Granny

Anonymous said...

How nice to be free of all the clutter. The fewer toys the boys have, the more they will appreciate the ones that are stil around. You are learning some good life lessons, daughter. It's all about simplifying one's life.


dan said...

However, we will accept food and monitary donations.


Anonymous said...

As a dad, I often want to smash almost every noise-making toy sent to my kids. Is there no way to prevent that madness from happening?