Thursday, June 25, 2009

Behavior: Hard-ly My Fault, Right?

People are always asking me if it is hard to work a full-time job, raise three kids, be a wife, and a maid, and a short-order cook, and a party planner, and a, and a, and, and, and......

I have always looked at the person saying this and said, "Yes, it is hard, but I love my family and I will do what I need to do to make it all work." Now, let me add, what I don't say, "But not without complaining about it!"

I decided just the other day that I am going to change my vocabulary. I am going to take the word H-A-R-D out of my language not going to let it live in my head anymore. Nope...changing the word to C-H-A-L-L-E-N-G-I-N-G. Because hard makes it sound like I am unhappy with my "work", or it can imply that I expect pity, because "Oh, it's just so hard!"

When Griffin and I are working on his words and letters and all the nerdy sort of booky-things I love and he hates, the one thing he will tell me over and over is "This is too hard!"

Dan and I were at Sonic a few days ago when he pointed something out to me. I was sitting there watching these Car Hops roller skating all around and it was scaring me! I said to Dan, "This girl is freaking me out on these skates. She could get hit by a car so easily!"

Dan laughed and said, "If it weren't you sitting next to me, I would have sworn it was Griffin who just said that."

"Oh, I just sounded like Griffin huh....hmm, yeah I guess I did."

But, the truth is....He sounds like ME!

So, where does he get this, "It's too hard...I can't.....I never get to do what I want!" Where...hmm.....ME! The light bulb went off and I saw that anti-drug PSA from years back where the kid says, "I learned it by watching you!"

What I am's coming back to me. And here's something I know to be true, and something for which I have really been working on. When I am around people who are being negative, I will try very hard to stay on the high-ground, but, before I know it, I'm down in the muck, wallowing around with them. I'm reflecting their emotions. I'm emulating them.

It's like this....someone, maybe your husband, is upset with you. He says something like this, "Yeah, you know, you complain about cleaning but you aren't doing it every day. Just look around. Doesn't seem like you are keeping up very well." Okay.....most of us would launch into a tirade of, "Oh, yeah, you think it looks bad NOW....I can get it looking even worse. Want me to stop trying all together. Oh, and by the way, what are YOU doing to keep up around here?" etc, etc, etc.

Yipes! Talk about emulating! So, what if we did this instead, "I'm sorry. I suppose that complaining can get pretty old. Next time I am complaining, could we try this....put your hands on my shoulders, look me in the eyes and reassure me that Rome wasn't built in a day. Then, if you would, this will sound weird, but could you give me a compliment? You see, I'm trying really hard to turn off those negative, "This is too HARD!", voices and when I'm getting into that mode, I really think a compliment would help."

Wouldn't that take this obvious "fight" situation to a different place? Instead of you or I putting our gloves up in the air and readying ourselves for 12 rounds, we are taking the gloves off and giving our "opponent" a hug....a big bear hug! Saying, "I am so sorry you are frustrated....I get that way too....Let me help you"

That's what I need to do. My boys are the eyes and ears of what I am putting out into the world. And though they can be the sweetest, kindest, most loving children at times.....They can also be self-defeators, know-it-alls, and nothing-nice-to-sayers.

Gotta look in the mirror and see myself as the root of those too. Yeah, that's a hard image to see looking back, but it's mine. I'm the one who modeled that behavior, therefore "they learned it by watching me!"

I'm moving Hard into the storage closest. In it's place Challenging. I am taking the positive traits, what I see in myself, what I see in my kids, I am taking those positive characteristics and I'm amplifying them. No more, self-defeating, no more know-it-all (this will be difficult, I DO know a lot, but better to say, "I thought...", instead of "You said...." sounds so much nicer, huh?), and no more complaining! Letting words escape my mouth that will have a negative impact on what I want my kids to learn only makes parenting that much more CHALLENGING! See, I'm working on it!!!


Anonymous said...

So are you saying that my child's cursing is my fault?! Teehee. I've been working on that lately. Seems so WRONG to see a little cherub saying GD when things don't go his he says " OH MAN..." it's too cute.
Kids teach us alot.

Carrie said...

Last night Griffin was saying "Oh my God" and I kept saying, "Griffin we do not say the Lord's name in vain." He'd say, "Yeah, I know, I'm sorry." But, then, after a while Grant starts mimicking Griffin and he starts says "Oh my God." And I kept sying to him, "It's gosh. Gosh Grant." To which he would then repeat, "Oh my God!"
Dan and I do not say that, but they do hear it elsewhere. So, I said to Griffin, "Next time you hear ANYONE saying 'Oh my God' you tell them they shouldn't say that, they should say, 'Oh my gosh'." He was good with that. I was giving him permission to tell people he knew better than they did! Now I gotta figure out how to get around re-inforcing that since that is turning on the know-it-all switch! Challenging I tell ya!

Anonymous said...

Are you saying that you learned your bad stuff from me? Because if you are, you are incorrect. You must have gotten that from your father. LOL

It's so "hard" to be perfect.

Carrie said...

Only the good stuff from you Mom, of course!

Mr. Mcknob said...

Sounds "challenging!" I may just try the same thing.