Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's an Inclusive Statement

Just a couple of things I wanted to record before they were lost from my memory all together....

Last night, Wyatt comes pitter pattering down the hallway, after I heard him in his bed sort of squawking. I open my arms to him as he walks through the door and say, "Come here baby." He nestles into my arms as I help him into the bed. The object in his right hand does not seem of note, I'm sure it's just a sippy cup. Then I see that the shape isn't quite right for a sippy. No, it isn't....what is that? It's a piggy bank, or maybe it's a doggy bank. A hard plastic Dalmatian Coin Bank in his right hand, which he then moves to the armpit stashing area, and hugs like it was the softest most precious object he had to sleep with. I laughed. I think I'm getting a picture of the future....Wall Street Financier (but maybe not a very good one since the bank is void of money!)

Grant asked to have a "big" carrot this morning.

Here's a little back story on Big Carrots.
My children all LOVE Big Carrots. Little Carrots, otherwise known as Baby Carrots, are a no-go in my house. I've decided not to buy the, obviously, much less delectable, little carrots anymore, because when asked if we have carrots and I say, "Yeah. We have carrots, look down in the drawer." I'll hear this response, "No, not little carrots! I want Big Carrots!" said in that, Who the heck would EVER like these carrots, kind of tone. So, after tossing the last bag of uneaten little carrots, I guess Dan and I don't like little carrots either, and freeing up room in my vegetable drawer, I made sure to buy a bag of Big Carrots while I was shopping this weekend.

Grant caught me chopping-up Big Carrots for what will be our dinner tonight, Vegetable Beef Soup, and asked for one.
"Okay," I say. "I'll peel one for you. Bring me one, please. Oh, and go into your room, turn on the light and say, 'Wake Up Bubba!' Okay?! Can you do that for me?"

Whoosh...he's gone! He didn't bring me a carrot though, so I turn around to see that there is a carrot lying on the floor in front of an opened refrigerator drawer and door. While I hear Grant yelling, "Wake up Bubba! Time to get up!" pause, "We have BIG CARROTS!"
"Grant! You left your carrot on the floor with the refrigerator door open!"
As I cross to the fridge to do the closing myself.
"Oh, it's okay Mom." I hear him say from behind me.
Then, I hear the sound of blowing, hard blowing...."phhhhh" "phhhhhhh"
Turning to look back, there is Grant blowing on his carrot. He tells me, "All better, Mom. I can eat it now!"
Of course, I take it from his hand to ACTUALLY clean it. Once peeled, he has his Big Carrot and is over-the-moon happy with his breakfast choice!

Griffin comes into the kitchen after letting me know that yes, he is in fact alive and says, "Hey, I'll have a Big Carrot too. And carrots in my lunch too, please. You can cut those up, but not this one. I want this one Big."
Haha...such a funny morning!
Maybe it's just us know....All Southerners believe Bigger is Better Carrots included.


Not made of stone. said...

Is it time to move to Texas? :)

Gramma Barb said...

I thought all bunnies loved carrots? I'm not surprised that mine do too. I sure do miss the little fellas. They make life interesting. And, don't forget that Wyatt would make a great broker in a "Bullish market". Sorry, couldn't resist. Give my love to the boys.

Carrie said...

Texas may be too far south for me, Honey :)
And those boys of mine are cute, huh, Mom?!??!
Such personalities. I'm so blessed to have those little guys.
Since my memory seems to be made of swiss cheese I figured I should commit these moments to paper, so to speak, before it's gone for good!

Stacy said...

Big carrots are cheaper than those baby ones, so you are lucky! Cute stories.