Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thank God For Gray Hair!

Older and wiser they say. Isn't that how it goes? Older and wiser.

I'm so grateful I am coming into that statement. Utterly grateful for all the life experiences I have had. Without them I might still be waiting on older and wiser to get here. I could be 50 and still thinking, "hmm, older and wiser...not sure I am there yet, still making the same bad decisions." But, instead, I am in my early 30's taking stock of my life and saying to myself, "older and wiser....yes I am!"

I can't even fathom that I was nervous about turning 30. What does 30 mean? Does it mean responsible? Does it mean no more childish outbursts? How do I act 30? I've never been 30 before!

30, doesn't mean that you have to be responsible, but for me it means I want to. 30, for me, doesn't mean I never have a childish outburst, but my maturity in handling situations has finally settled in and childish outbursts aren't very common anymore.

I feel so in-control of my life in my 30's. Even though the question "what will I be when I grow up" still sometimes comes out of my mouth and enters my thoughts, the thoughts that immediately follow are no longer ones of self-doubt and vulnerability. The thoughts that immediately follow are, "What are you already?", "Look at all you have accomplished.....You CAN do anything!"

I wished for this confidence in my youth. I faked it in my 20's. Now, in my 30's, I am living it. Aging is a wonderful gift!!

5 Things I never thought I would be grateful for:
1) Getting Older
2) Kids......I knew I would be grateful for them, but never could have imagined their impact!
3) Change
4) Not having money.....because when you have to work for things or be creative in your getting what you'd like, you build character!
5) Worries....because it is then that my Faith has been tested and what I've been shown is the true beauty of God's power. I am in awe of His grace.

Now, tell me 5 things are you grateful for that you never thought you would be.


Anonymous said...

1.fat rolls- hubby lets me sleep more.....
2.stretch marks- keeps me from dressing lewdly and being a stripper hated the way it made my breath smell when I was young- now it keeps people from having long conversations with me
4.vegetables....taste so good.
5.prep h.....nuff said.

Anonymous said...

I never thought I would be grateful for the following:

1. Bones and muscles that take me where I want to go...didn't think about that in my youth.

2. Grateful that I have wonderful health insurance.

3. Grateful for the flouride that was put in the city drinking water, giving me a strong healthy smile.

4. My stretch marks that are the proof of my body having given birth to three beautiful children.

5. Old friends who I have history with. Nothing beats long time friendships.


Anonymous said...

1. Friends like you, Carrie. That make me stop and reflect on all of my blessings, that too often are taken for granted.
2. My wonderful husband- life would just be mediocore without him. (in my 20's, I wanted to be married, but didn't know what it really meant)
3. 3 beautiful children that I can't imagine life without.
4. Wonderful parents that have set a remarkable standard for how to live life and treat people.
5. Last but not least. The gift of living in a free country and the soldiers that continuously protect that freedom. I am humbled by their sacrifice.

Carrie said...

Fat rolls....hmmm, I'd have to say that I don't mind the fat in some places. Reminds me of how I love food!

Coffee....Oh, I thought I would some day drink it, bc I just figured that is what all people do when they get older (except my mom, she drinks cappuccino, never coffee), but Oh, how I adore that warm comforting cup of go-juice now! Never would have dreamed my love would run so deep!

Being healthy, staying healthy, a body that does what I want it to do, yeah, that's a great one, too!

Health insurance and good insurance, yes, totally something to be grateful for, AMEN to that one!

Friends. Of course you always know how you are grateful for them, but I agree, probably never had thoughts of how greatly you will appreciate them when you are older. And, too, Tiff, I agree I love that friends are great us to stand back and see what's important. I love you too!

And my husband is quite wonderful, as well. Though, I wished for wonderful and God answered my prayers.

Parents is a good one. We definitely take them for granted until we are old enough to have kids of our own. The perspective IS different now, isn't it?!

And soldiers. Yep, that's a good one! The men and women who devote their lives to protecting our freedom. Definitely something to be grateful for. And if my son continues down the path he is on now....saying every day how he wants to be a soldier...then one day I will be the proud Momma of one of those men. What a different perspective, I'll have then, too!

Nicole said...

1.) My Current Roommate, amazingly enough.
2.) My younger brothers sense of humor
3.)Not liking the way that beer tastes so I can skip all of the calories
4.)That I made a blog
5.) not having too much money so I don't spend it ridiculously

Carrie said...

Bravo, Nicole! Especially to the younger brother's sense of humor! That can be one we think we will never understand....good that you "get" him! I'm still trying to get people to "get" me! ha!

Mr. Mcknob said...

1. Oxygen. We all take it for granted but when you are without it for even 2 minutes, it can change your life. (bad incident in the hospital)

2. A job. we all bitch about it but most of us are greatful especially in this economy.

3. A roof over our head. Another one of those things I take for granted sometimes but love it when it rains.

4. Southern Hospitality. We would be home alone and bored with out it.

5. Wal-Mart. I hate going 4-5 places to get supplies for the week.