Monday, October 20, 2008

Your Weekend Update

**Disclaimer: I am not a person who finds it funny to pick on others. And the reason I am committing this to the blog, is only to record the innocence of children.**

Griffin doesn't always know that sometimes when he says things they can be taken poorly by the other person. He just thinks he is being matter of fact and telling me how it is. You know, it's the truth.! But, sometimes pointing out the truth can hurt the other person's feelings. And we have had this talk before but, in this instance, I know that it was not hurtful. It was a sweet interaction that was also quite hilarious to this adult on-looker!

There is this little 3 year old boy at our church, Jon. Who has had to have several surgeries on his hands and feet because he has that Lobster Claw syndrome. Anyway, his hands and feet look much better, now, and he is the cutest boy on the planet (next to mine, of course!)

So, Saturday was the Fall Festival at our church and the boys had a big time! It was all child centered so how could they go away not having a good time, eh?!?

We were winding down the day when we finally went into the church hall where they were having a Cup-Cake Walk. I'm not going to explain what this is, I didn't know what one was before this weekend myself. But, I found a blog that explains a Cake Walk, so if you want to read about what a Cake Walk is go here. Our church did this a little different from the traditional. They asked people to donate cupcakes, and asked for no money from anyone who wanted to do the walk. But, the winners did win a cupcake of their choosing, yum!

Well, Griffin had Cup-Cake-Walked a couple of times and I was just in the hall gabbing with some of the other folks. Grant and Dan went to the bathroom and we were waiting for them to come back. Wyatt was just hanging out in his stroller when Jon came up to him.

It seems Jon loves babies because he was sweetly patting Wyatt and saying things to Wyatt like, "Sweet baby. Hi Baby. Oh, he's cute." And just smiling and cooing at him. It was adorable!

Griffin came over to where we were and says, "Isn't our baby cute? His name is Wy Wy."

Me: "That's right."

Jon: "Oh Hi, Wy Wy!"

Griffin: "Mom, did you know he only has like two toes?"

Me mouth gaping, "Oh please God do not let Jon's mother hear Griffin!!!"

Me: "Well..... Griffin....stumbling for words....That's okay.......It is okay....We're diff..."
Griffin cuts me off

Griffin: "Yeah, it's okay buddy" patting Jon's shoulder "You're gonna get some some day. I have like 10! You'll get some too."

Oh, if I would have had anything in my mouth it would have been spewed everywhere on everyone around me! I just burst-out with a laugh, and then contained the chuckles that wanted to follow because I didn't want to make the scenario funny to the two of them, I wanted them to just see it as a moment of friendship. Sweet boy interaction.

But, oh man! That brought tears to my eyes when I replayed the scene in my head later!

Griffin had no idea what he was saying could have hurt Jon's feelings. And I was trying to get him to understand that having two toes doesn't make him less of a fun boy to be around. But, I guess I really didn't have to do that, he realized it on his own. Griffin didn't shy away from him, he embraced knowing someone with only two toes! And so much so that he wanted me to know about it! And who knows, according to Griffin, Jon could maybe get more when he gets bigger! What a sweet boy I have. I love that little man.

And I can't tell a sweet funny story about Griffin without adding how sweet Grant is too (of course Wy Wy is as well, but he doesn't talk much at 7 and a half months, so not so much to share on his utterances!)

Grant woke up from his nap on Sunday and like a ninja, came walking into the kitchen and scared the poop out of me!

Me: "Oh hey buddy! You scared me. Are you awake now?"

Grant: "Mummmmhppppfffh"

Me: "Are you hungry? Where are you going? Are you still tired?"

Grant: "Mummmmhppppfffh"

He just glided through the kitchen in his little socked feet, rubbing his eyes, his nose, his hair, and said practically nothing.
I stood in the kitchen waiting for him to come back around, and soon, he came back through.

Me: "Hey buddy, do you want something to drink? What's the matter?"

He looks over and just glares at me, as if to say, "You're not making things any better!"

I watch as he moves from the kitchen through the living room and out the door to the garage.

After a second, I realize he's not coming back, and walk outside to be with him.

I find him standing up against the bathtub we have in our driveway, don't ask. But, seriously, we do live in Mississippi so this is perfectly normal, you do realize this, right?!?

Me: "Grant, what's the matter? Do you want me to hold you?"

Grant: "Dahh-dee. Dahhhhh-deeeeeee!"

Me: "Oh sweetie, Daddy had to go to work. He'll be home in a little bit. Do you want some juice?"

Grant: "No, don't wan-it. Dahh-dee!"
I'm feeling so bad. Poor guy. Then, I remember that I have baked cookies while he was asleep (and Wy Wy was napping as well! Amazing what can get done when the little ones are snoozing!!)

I run inside, and get a cookie for Grant, thinking that maybe he would follow me in.
Fat chance.
Now, when I return to the garage there's no Grant!

I begin yelling, "Grant......Grant, Where are you? Graaaaaaannnntttt! You want a cookie?"

Off in the distance, I hear, a little voice whining and crying, "Dahhhhhhdeeee.......Dahhhhhhhdeeee"

I can tell from where his voice is coming from that he has gone into the back yard looking for his Daddy.

When I walk around the outside of the house, and into the backyard, I see him walking towards the other gate of the fence, crying "Dahhhhhhdeeeee, I wan my Dahhhhhhdeeee!!!"

It was such a sweet display. Grant searching for Daddy. Where could Daddy be? And he didn't care that all he had on was a shirt. He had no pants, no shoes, just a diaper, socks, and a shirt, perfectly fine attire when looking for your Dahhhhhdeeee!

Me: "Grant. I'm sorry, Daddy is working. He'll be home in just a little bit. You want a cookie?"

Grant: "I wan my Dahhhhhdeeee!"

I go over to him and scoop him up in my arms.

"I'm sorry little guy, Daddy will be home in a little bit. You wanna cookie?"

Sniffle, sniffle, sniffle......

Grant: "Mmmhhmm, Googie."

He took the cookie from my hand and sank into my arms. My sad little explorer, off to find his Dahhhhhdeee. Heartsick that Daddy wasn't there when he wanted him to be. How dare he!

When Dan got home, Grant was fresh out of the bath, when I saw him pulling up. So, I said, "Grant, come here, look out the door, who is that?"

Grant: "Ohkaaaay. Hhhmmm, ahhhhhh, Dahhhhdeee!!!"

And he jumped and pranced with delight!

All was back right with the world when that little naked boy finally felt the arms of his Dahhdeee holding him tight!
What a wonderful life I have!


Anonymous said...

And here I cried this weekend, I now see out of selfishness, over Ethan wanting his Daddy. I was so hurt! He wouldn't come to me- he only wanted Daddy to hold him. I felt like I had done something wrong and wracked my brain to think if I had ignored a cry or not played enough games...and I guess sometimes they just want Daddy! And that's OK.

Anonymous said...

I think Griffin could grow up to be Howard Kossell....telling it like it is. Ahhh, the innocence of youth....or as they say,...out of the mouths of babes. He is a sweet little guy. These are special times with the boys. They will give you many more laughs as the years go on. Give them all a big hug and kiss from Gramma.