Monday, June 16, 2008

Walking is Rough!

This weekend, the kids and I went to the Memphis Area Arthritis Walk.

My company was participating, and well, I figured 3 kids, hot sun, mile-plus walk, should equal really good naps for the boys!

Note to self: Never try to think things through, it always leaves you disappointed.

Turns out, I was the one who needed a nap afterwards! And, to all you people out there, quit slipping my kids speed, okay?! They're already more than I can handle!
P.S. Glad no one was taking pictures afterwards! I'd have to burn them all! The pictures, not the people taking them!! Thought clarification might be necessary, here :)


Anonymous said...

Carrie, you are a glutton for punishment taking 3 kiddies on a walk. That is real dedication to a good cause. Love, Grandma

Anonymous said...

I agree with Grandma. But, it was fun to see the boys out and about, soaking up some sun, and getting a nice stroller ride.
See you later today.