Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Don't Forget My Aero-Plane!

Grant's been talking about his birthday for about a month now. Every day he wakes up and says, "It's almost my birthday." And I tell him he's right....his birthday is just a few short weeks away.
About a week ago, I said maybe he would get an airplane for his birthday, since he was more than upset when Bubba got an airplane, and he didn't...why you ask? Well, because he said he wanted one, then decided he wanted a Super hero movie instead, sooooo, he changed his mind and was then remorseful about his decision. "That my aero-plane."
"No, Grant, that's Bubba's. You wanted the movie. Bubba got the airplane."
"Cuz that's mine! That's not Bubba's!"
"It is Bubba's. Maybe you can get an airplane for your birthday....maybe someone will get you an airplane for your birthday in a couple of weeks."
"That's right! I get a hopa-doctor and a aero-plane and a koh-toe-kye-cle fo my birthday?"
"Um, well, maybe an airplane. But, you think you'll get a helicopter, and a motorcycle, too?!
"Okay, well you never know! You might get at least one of those!"
"That's right Momma. I get all those fo my birthday. Bubba not get any."
"Not on your birthday, you're right. He won't get any of those on your birthday."

So, since then, every day, he wakes up and tells me about how it is almost his birthday and how he is going to get a koh-toe-kye-cle an aero-plane and a hopa-doctor on his birthday!

It is now my mission to make sure that he gets at least one of those or there is going to be a complete meltdown on his day!

Our neighbor's boy has this Batman Imaginext BatCave....it comes with a Batman, Robin, and a koh-toe-kye-cle. For an additional $12 you can get this hopa-doctor. Thinking our little man would not constantly ask to go see our neighbor Kyle if he, too, had one of these!

Now, this brings up the question....how much do you spend on birthday gifts for your own kids? What do you think is reasonable? I am not big into the whole "party" idea for kids Grant's age. I feel like if he won't really remember it, why bother? What he will remember is a gathering of people who love him. Which is why I usually just have a barbecue and invite over a bunch of our friends and their kids. That feels more appropriate to me. And, it's not about the gifts either. I tell everyone invited not to bring a gift. We just want Grant to have friends to play with....that's what makes a party fun, right?! Friends!
What he should take away from "his day" is that people who love him got together to celebrate and show him how much he is loved with their presence, not their presents.

But, as Mom and Dad we will be gifting him. Gotta make at least one of his wishes come true! So, that got me wondering how much other people gift? Do you have a standard set amount? Or do you have a rule about the kinds of gifts you give your kids, etc?

I have a couple of standards:
Baby Showers...diapers, wipes, baby necessities, all packaged in a small-ish Rubbermaid tote. I give it in the tote because with babies they are constantly growing out of clothes and growing into other sizes, etc. Having an extra tote makes it easy to store future outfits, or put away too small ones to then hand-down to someone else, or store away for the next baby! Such a useful gift, if you ask me! 'Course I am VERY practical!

Kid's Birthday Party.....I usually try to give clothing or books or something other than toys. As a parent of three, I know how much kids LOVE getting toys, but also how disrespectful to them they can be when they have too many! And, we have a standard set dollar amount on what we give for each event. That way I know I am always being fair, and too, it pushes me to be more creative! :)

So, as I was taking my ideas for gifts, etc, into consideration, I was wondering if others of you had standards or rules or limits, etc. Let me know.....I'm always interested in the ways others govern their families, children, homes, etc.


Crystal said...

Baby showers - I do the same thing and I try to put it in a basket or some sort of catch all, for the same reason.

Other kids birthdays - I try to buy them something to get their creative juices flowing, but not something with small pieces. If all else fails (and they're old enough), I give money. That way, the parents can spirit it away and put it in savings or buy booze.

My kids - I don't have a dollar amount, but for birthdays, I try to get one significant gift for my older ones. Little ones I usually don't spend more than 20 or 30 bucks.

I know. I'm a big help.

Carrie said...

Ha ha ha! I have started giving money too or a gift card. Kids like having their "own" money.

My boys are getting to the age where I think I should have a set amount we spend. Used to be just whatever we thought they would see as special and was within reason. But now that they are getting a bit older, I think a set amount is in order. I want to avoid the "that's not fair" statement by being able to say, "We spend X amount of dollars on each of you."

Mr. Mcknob said...

I am confused. Do you want me to pitch in on the Bat Cave or get the chopper? When's the party?

Carrie said...

No pitching in on anything....I said that we do not ask for presents for our kids' birthdays, just presence....that's what they really want anyway :) And Grant for SURE would not want to have a party without his best friend Harmony, so you all are being forced, k?!? No excuses will be allowed!
Now, as far as the date for the gathering I'm not sure, but was thinking the Labor Day weekend. Maybe Saturday the 5th of September. At least that is what I am thinking now. Gotta get solid on a date, I know, but isn't it just more fun to be "spontaneous"....that's what it is right, spontaneous, and not a poor planner?! Ha ha!
We will, for sure, be having cake and ice cream on his actual bday, with the gift opening of Mom and Dad's gifts to him then as well. Y'all are welcome to come to the house for that too! That day isn't as wishy-washy since he was born on a specific day....Monday August 31st :) In a three way tie for the second best day of my life. Best ever, day I married Dan.....three way tie for second, the birthdays of my boys.....makes me tear up just thinking about those moments!