Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Bat Signal Has Been Sounded! I Need HELP!

Valentine's Day is coming up and on a Saturday too! That means we are almost certainly expected to do something "romantic", right?!?

It's a Saturday, so I guess that means we're supposed to get a babysitter and head out for a night of dinner, conversation and, again, that word "romance". Am I correct?!?

Silly that I would have to ask, I know, but romance is not something I am good at! You would think I would be good at it, I am female! Yet, I have become soooooo out of touch with that side of me since having the boys! I am literally at a total loss for what I could do for the man in my life, other than the purely obvious, that could be considered "romantic".

In previous years, I have done the whole sweet store-bought card, the sentimental hand-written note, the heart-warming, and tummy satisfying, "breakfast in bed" (this one has not worked out well for me since my husband would much prefer the extra hours of sleep and doesn't eat breakfast, other than slurping down an energy drink.)

But this year, I am stumped! And I realize this pure lack of creativity and invention makes me a real embarassment to the female population. But that's okay! Consider me the black sheep. I will wear my title with pride; I just need some ideas!! Something that might spark a memory or get me EXCITED about Romance!

I expect MANY responses to this distress signal! I want to get the Romance Gland working again!
****** If I receive not even one comment, I will cite all of you as the reason my husband is divorcing me! But don't feel any pressure.......


Anonymous said...

My husband thinks Valentine's day is stupid. Why is it necessary to set aside one day to shower your loved one with love? Why not make everyday Valentine's Day? It's totally over rated, another holiday for the card and candy companies to rake in some dough. Why don't you clean your house naked!! How's that for romance? Just make sure the kids are gone. :) helpful??

The Phillips Family said...

Ok doll, I am so not going to help with my response, but I'm sure all your other friends will, so I am still going to put in my two cents. YOU KNOW WHAT HE WANTS!!!!! Valentines day is for the ladies, Valentines night is for the fellas!! Don't waste your time thinking of sweet little nothings bc you will only come up with something that YOU would like him to do for you....Men aren't wired that way!! I shouldn't say men...I should say OUR men!! If you want to give him the best V day ever, tell him EXACTLY what you want so he doesn't have to think about it and then flirt your pretty little pants off with him all day to let him know he is going to have a great night!!! hehehe...I can't believe I am posting this, but like I said, I'm sure you will get plenty more posts of the helpful variety!

Carrie said...

I think Chris is right about Valentine's Day, although, I do think this would be a good occasion for me to make up for all the days I haven't been a good "showerer of love". But, very true, I should show my love all year long.
And cleaning the house naked. Not such a bad idea, except I HATE being naked! Yuck! I love clothes! Can't I just clean the house? I know, where's the spicy-ness in that, huh!?
I'm hopeless!

Carrie said...

Why yes, you have it right there. But, since I have been such a bad "romancer" as of late, I thought there might be something I could do that would be sweet and romantic, something that says, "I love you" without being so traditional.
'Course, you're answer is probably better suited for my man! Maybe I'm just over-thinking. Crazy, me over-thinking!?! HA Ha!

Anonymous said...

You could write your husband a letter for each day of the week leading up to Valentine's Day. Start with Monday. Tell him he will have a letter each morning and that he is to open the letter when he is alone, as you want him to be uninterrupted when he reads it. Leave one letter for him each morning. Tell him whatever you want in each letter (but don't make them too long...after all he is a guy) For example, you could share in one letter what you thought when you first saw him, etc., your first kiss, how you felt, etc. The next day, maybe tell him some of the things that you love(ed) about him. Next day, tell him some of your favorite memories of times together, etc, etc, etc. You get the idea. By the end of the week, you can make things a little spicer. See what you are doing...giving him love each day and building up to the big night. My husband still has these love letters I wrote to him in his dresser drawer, and that was many, many years ago. The other thing it does, is to remind you of what and why you fell in love with your wonderful man in the first place.

Anonymous said...

I'm the last person to give out romantic ideas. I don't have a romantic bone in my body. Poor uncle Ken doesn't even get SEX for Valentine's Day anymore - unless it's been 6 months from the last time we did IT! Okay, here's the best I can offer.
Just put the boys to bed and then take a shower with Dan. You'll both enjoy that and it won't cost much.

Anonymous said...

Here's what I think is fun...a couples massage. I am doing that for Tim & myself this year. Afterwards we'll go for a romantic dinner.

Anonymous said...

It's not what you buy for him on V day...it's what you buy for yourself to wear for him.

Carrie said...

Hmmm, these are some very thoughtful replies! The couples massage sounds good! The shower would be difficult, and honestly it sounds sexy, but one person is always left in the cold.... no water!
And I think the letters leading up to the big day is a good one! He would definitely not forget that, an dthat's what I was going for. 'Course I think I will have to pair that with something I have bought for me! Hee hee!
I'm liking these ideas, keep 'em comin' if anyone else has anything to add, I'd love to hear it!

Anonymous said...

You could try jumping out of a heart-shaped cake. He wouldn't forget that! ha ha

Carrie said...

I like the idea of jumping out of a cake! Reminds me of like an old-school bachelor party sorta thing! But where does one find a cake to jump out of.....I Googled it, there are instructions! ha! You can find anything on the internet!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna give mine a gift he won't even recognize. Probably fair since the gifts he gets me on the big VD are equally invisible. I'm gonna NOT argue with him all day- and when he says something crappy- I'm not gonna reply. So I probably won't be speaking to him all day- but he'll enjoy that gift.

Anonymous said...

Hi Carrie, neighbor Matt here. Guys like romance as much as girls do, we simply have a different idea of what qualifies as romance. You don't have to do something crazy, frankly the little things often make the biggest impression. Think about why you love the guy and then tell him. We all enjoy hearing how wonderful we are and why. Also I thought the naked cleaning idea had merit.

Carrie said...

Ha ha! Thanks Matt! Though, I'd be too afraid my neighbors might pop-over unannounced, just as I was plugging in the vacuum!
But, you're right. I think guys like romance just as much as the ladies. That's why I really wanted to figure out a new way of telling him that.
So far, he has really enjoyed the notes I have been giving him every morning! And I like the feeling I am getting, 'My husband KNOWS I love him and always have!'

Anonymous said...

HEY!!! I SO knock before entering!!! It's that Matt Stevenson you need to worry about. Why not flip things on their head and get him some flowers? Costco has roses for $16.99 for 2 dozen. I know it always makes ME feel pretty! :-P