Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I just don't know how to say it any better than this......I am one BLESSED chick!

A few weeks ago, I became overcome by sadness. I was missing my family! This past weekend, I got to see a good number of them, and I am back to HAPPY!

Being around my family rejuvenates me. It does. It feeds my esteem, and makes my life seem to make sense..... I make sense, you know?!?

These are the people whose influence made me want to be a mom.....who have cared for me unconditionally, and who keep me believing in myself. Even when I am not sitting in the "fan" box of my own life, they are in the stands cheering me on "You can do it!", "You're the greatest!", "We love you so much!"

Ahhhh, a cheering section! That's what I was missing!

Wouldn't it be great if every day as you walked around and made decisions, you had a group of loyal fans who walked along with you saying stuff like, "That's right, you did it! You made the coffee!" Creepy maybe, but hey, your fans love you! They think you are fantastic just the way you are.

That's what I was needing. That's why I went home.

If I could give every person one thing it wouldn't be money or a job or a better job it would be a supportive, loving, and hard-working family.

Where family isn't always people, it's also a place. A place where envy wishes it could come in, but where only acceptance and pride reside. Family is built on generosity and laughter fills its walls. Humility pours from the faucets, and patience illuminates its windows.

I grew up in this place.....this place called family. And everyday I try to recreate it here in my own neck of the woods. But, sometimes, the only way to really make sure you're building the same kind of dwelling in your own life, is to go back.

I love you family. Each and every single one of you. Thank you for renewing me. I am one BLESSED chick!!


Mr. Mcknob said...

I feel ya on the family visits. Mine either go really well or really bad. I either get cheered or preached to. The "preached to" visits aren't as fun but I know they mean well.

Carrie said...

Maybe I am finally at that age, but I am rarely preached to these days. They just love me, and accept me, and are proud of me. And I am so grateful to have a family like that.

Anonymous said...

I am part of the fan club. I am grateful for you too.